Superconducting magnesium diboride ================================== .. highlight:: none .. warning:: The following example aims at providing physically meaningful results. Calculations can therefore take a significant amount of time. For quick calculations, look at the ``EPW/tests/`` folder. Running EPW to calculate the anisotropic superconducting gap of MgB\ :sub:`2` ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This example is based on the papers `Phys. Rev. B 87, 024505 (2013) `_ and `arXiv:1604.03525 `_, which you should check for the physical interpretation of the results and a description of the main equations used in this tutorial. The MgB\ :sub:`2` example is located inside the ``EPW/examples/mgb2/`` directory. Within this directory you will find three subdirectories: ``pp/`` contains the Mg and B pseudopotentials; ``phonon/`` contains the input files needed for calculating the phonon dispersions of MgB\ :sub:`2`; ``epw/`` contains the input files to run ``epw.x`` on MgB\ :sub:`2` . Once ``epw.x`` has been compiled, we are ready to run the example. Calculating phonons ------------------- The phonon code of QE requires a ground-state self-consistent calculation: :: ../../../../bin/pw.x < >& scf.out & The electronic bandstructure of MgB\ :sub:`2` is shown in Figure 1 below. We will now proceed with a sequential run. Let us compute the phonon frequencies and eigenmodes using ``ph.x``: :: ../../../../bin/ph.x < >& ph.out & This will provide us with the files containing the dynamical matrices and the variations of the self-consistent potentials at 28 irreducibles **q**-points. We now need to copy the ``.dyn`` and ``.dvscf`` files, as well as the ``_ph0/diam.phsave`` folder, inside the ``save/`` folder. These files contain all the information that EPW needs from Quantum Espresso. EPW expect these files to be labelled according to the number of the irreducible **q**-point in the list. In order to label the files correctly you can use the python script ````. If you decide to proceed this way, just issue the statement: :: python from within the ``phonon/`` folder. The script will ask you the prefix used for the QE calculations as well as the number of irreducible **q**-points computed. The script will rename all the required files and place them in the folded ``save/``. At this point we are done with QE and can move to the ``epw`` folder. The phonon dispersion relations of MgB\ :sub:`2` are shown in Figure 1 below. .. figure:: /doc/images/Tutorial/MgB2_BS.png :width: 600px **Figure 1**: Electronic band structure and DOS of bulk MgB\ :sub:`2` (top), as well as phonon dispersion relations and PDOS (bottom). The calculations are executed using the experimental lattice parameters. The inelastic X-ray scattering data (black dots) at 300~K are from `A. Shukla et al. `_. Running EPW ----------- We first have to perform one scf and one nscf calculation. To do this, we go inside the ``epw`` directory and issue: :: ../../../../bin/pw.x < >& scf.out :: ../../../../bin/pw.x < >& nscf.out You can then launch the EPW calculation: :: ../../../bin/epw.x < >& epw.out The calculation of superconducting properties is triggered by the flag ``eliashberg = .true.`` and will be accompanied by significant I/O. In the following we describe the various output files, and we will use ``XX`` to indicate the temperature at which the anisotropic gap equations are solved. Please note that the figures shown below have been generated using denser Brillouion zone grids than those indicated in the example input files. * ``MgB2.a2f`` This file contains the Eliashberg spectral function as a function of frequency :math:`\omega` (meV), calculated using various smearing parameters (see Figure 2 below). .. figure:: /doc/images/Tutorial/MgB2_a2F.png :width: 500px **Figure 2**: Calculated isotropic Eliashberg spectral function :math:`\alpha^2 F(\omega)` of MgB\ :sub:`2` (blue solid line), and cumulative electron-phonon coupling strength :math:`\lambda` (black dashed line). The results are integrated on a homogeneous fine **k**-point grid containing 60x60x60 points, and a fine homogeneous **q**-mesh with 30x30x30 points. * ``MgB2.a2f_iso`` This file contains the Eliashberg spectral function as a function of frequency :math:`\omega` (meV) . The second column is the Eliashberg spectral function corresponding to the first smearing value in ``MgB2.a2f``. The remaining columns in ``MgB2.a2f_iso`` (3 x number of atoms) contain the mode-resolved Eliashberg spectral function (there is no specific information on which modes correspond to which atomic species). * ``MgB2.phdos`` This file contains the total phonon density of states as a function of frequency :math:`\omega` (meV) calculated using various smearing parameters. The smearing values are the same as in ``MgB2.a2f``. * ``MgB2.phdos_proj`` This file contains the phonon density of states as a function of frequency :math:`\omega` (meV). The second column is the total phonon density of states corresponding to the first smearing value in ``MgB2.phdos``. The remaining columns in ``MgB2.phdos_proj`` (3 x number of atoms) contain the mode-resolved phonon density of states (there is no specific information on which modes correspond to which atomic species). * ``MgB2.imag_aniso_XX`` This file contains 5 columns: the frequency along the imaginary-axis :math:`\omega` (eV), the Kohn-Sham eigenvalue :math:`E_{n{\bf k}}` for band :math:`n` and wavevector :math:`{\bf k}` relative to the Fermi energy (eV), the quasiparticle renormalization :math:`Z_{n{\bf k}}`, the superconducting gap :math:`\Delta_{n{\bf k}}` (eV), and the quasiparticle renormalization :math:`Z_{n{\bf k}}` in the normal state. The gap is shown in the top panel of Figure 3 below. * ``MgB2.pade_aniso_XX`` This file contains similar information as in ``MgB2.imag_aniso_XX``, but the superconducting gap is along the real axis and is obtained via Pade approximants. This file is written if ``iverbosity=2`` in the input file, and the result is shown in the lower panel of Figure 3 below. .. figure:: /doc/images/Tutorial/MgB2_aniso2.png :width: 500px **Figure 3**: Calculated energy-dependent superconducting gap of MgB\ :sub:`2` from the anisotropic Eliashberg theory, at 10~K (blue), 38~K (green) and 43~K (red). The upper panel shows the gap along the imaginary energy axis, the lower panel is along the real energy axis (approximate analytic continuation via Padé functions. Only the KS states n**k** with an energy within 0.1~eV from the Fermi level are shown. * ``MgB2.imag_aniso_gap0_XX`` This file contains the distribution of the anisotropic superconducting gap :math:`\Delta_{n{\bf k}}(\omega=0)` (eV) on the Fermi surface, as obtained from the imaginary-axis calculation. * ``MgB2.pade_aniso_gap0_XX`` This file contains similar information as in ``MgB2.imag_aniso_gap0_XX``, but in this case the gap is calculated on the real axis using Padé approximants. This is shown in Figure 4 below. .. figure:: /doc/images/Tutorial/MgB2_gaps.png :width: 500px **Figure 4**: Calculated anisotropic superconducting gap :math:`\Delta_{n\mathbf{k}}(\omega=0)` of MgB\ :sub:`2` on the Fermi surface, evaluated as a function of temperature. The superconducting gaps are obtained from the aproximate analytic continuation using Padé functions, and the Coulomb potential is set to :math:`\mu_c^*=0.16`. For each temperature the histograms indicate the number of states on the Fermi surface with that superconducting gap energy. The dashed lines are guides to the eye. The two superconducting gaps vanish at the calculated critical superconducting temperature :math:`T_{\rm c}` of 51~K [note this value is about 30\% higher than in the experiment]. * ``MgB2.qdos_XX`` This file contains the quasiparticle density of states in the superconducting state, relative to the DOS in the normal state, :math:`N_{\rm S}(\omega)/N_{\rm N}(\omega)` as a function of frequency :math:`\omega` (eV). This is shown in Figure 5 below. .. figure:: /doc/images/Tutorial/MgB2_tunnel.png :width: 500px **Figure 5**: Quasiparticle DOS in the superconducting state for various temperatures [obtained using :math:`\Delta(\omega=0)`]. The dashed black line is the normal state DOS taken from the top of Figure 1 and normalized to 1 at the Fermi level. The superconducting DOS :math:`N_{\rm S}(\omega)` was scaled so that its high energy tail becomes 1 beyond the highest phonon energy. The two-gap nature of MgB\ :sub:`2` is clearly seen, and can be associated with the :math:`\sigma` and :math:`\pi` sheets on its Fermi surface, as shown in Figure 6 below. * ``MgB2.imag_aniso_gap_FS_XX`` This file contains the superconducting gap on the Fermi surface. The first three columns contain the 3 Cartesian coordinates of each **k**-point, the 4th column is the band index within the chosen energy window, the 5th column is the energy difference with respect to the Fermi level. Only states within 0.2 eV of the Fermi energy are considered. The 6th column is the superconducting gap in eV. A 3D rendering of superconducting gap on top of the Fermi surface sheets is shown in Figure 6 below. * ``MgB2.imag_aniso_gap_XX_YY.cube`` This file contains the same information as ``MgB2.imag_aniso_gap_FS_XX``, in a format compatible with `VESTA `_. This is suitable for mapping the gap on the Fermi surface. Here ``YY`` represents the band number within the chosen energy window during the EPW calculation. .. figure:: /doc/images/Tutorial/MgB2_FS_band1and2.png :width: 600px **Figure 6**: The superconducting energy gap of MgB\ :sub:`2`, calculated at :math:`T=10`~K, mapped on the Fermi surface. The Fermi surface consists of two :math:`\sigma` sheets along the :math:`\Gamma-\Gamma` lines, and two :math:`\pi` sheets along the K-M and the H-L lines. * ``MgB2.lambda_aniso`` This file contains 4 columns: KS eigenvalue :math:`E_{nk}` relative to the Fermi level (eV), :math:`\lambda_{n{\bf k}}`, the wavevector :math:`{\bf k}`, and the band index :math:`n`. * ``MgB2.lambda_k_pairs`` This file contains the normalized distribution of the anisotropic electron-phonon coupling strength :math:`\lambda_{n{\bf k}}` on the Fermi surface. This quantity is shown for example in Fig. 5b of `Phys. Rev. B 87, 024505 (2013) `_. * ``MgB2.lambda_pairs`` This file contains the normalized distribution of the anisotropic electron-phonon coupling strength :math:`\lambda_{n{\bf k},n'{\bf k}'}` on the Fermi surface. * ``MgB2.fe_XX`` This file contains the free energy in the superconducting state. * ``MgB2.lambda_FS`` This file contains :math:`\lambda_{n{\bf k}}` on the Fermi surface. The first three columns represent Cartesian coordinates of the **k**-point, the 4th column is the band index within the specified energy window, the 5th column is the energy relative to the Fermi level. Only states within 0.2 eV of the Fermi energy are considered. The 6th column is :math:`\lambda_{n{\bf k}}`. * ``MgB2.lambda_YY.cube`` This file contains the same information as ``MgB2.lambda_FS`` but can be read by `VESTA `_ for direct visualization. Note that ``YY`` is the band index within the specified energy window. Note for expert users --------------------- If you wish to reproduce Figure 6 above (showing the map of the superconducting gap on the Fermi surface) you can use two python scripts from the following tar file :download:`fermi.tar ` The following video explains how to use the scripts in conjunction with `VESTA `_ to obtain Figure 6. .. raw:: html This video tutorial can also be found `here `_.