Summer School 2021
2021 Virtual School on Electron-Phonon Physics and the EPW code

14-18 June 2021, Virtual
More information can be found here.
Theory Lecture 1:
DFT, DFPT, and Quantum Espresso
| videoTheory Lecture 2:
Maximally-localized Wannier functions
| videoHands-On Session:
Quantum Espresso and Wannier90
| video | –>Tutorial Files
Theory Lecture 1:
Intro to electron-phonon interactions
| videoTheory Lecture 2:
Many-body methods for electron-phonon interactions
| videoTechnical Lecture:
Intro to the EPW code and recent developments
| videoHands-On Intro:
Running EPW
| videoHands-On Session:
Electron-phonon matrix elements and coupling strength
| video | –>Tutorial Files
Theory Lecture 1:
Carrier transport and Boltzmann equation
| videoTheory Lecture 2:
Phonon-assisted optical processes
| videoHands-On Intro:
The transport module of EPW
| videoHands-On Session:
Calculation of carrier mobilities
| video | –>Tutorial Files
Theory Lecture 1:
Superconductors and Eliashberg theory
| videoTheory Lecture 2:
Polarons from first principles
| videoHands-On Intro 1:
Phonon-assisted absorption with EPW
| videoHands-On Session 1: Calculating phonon-assisted optical spectra | video | –>
Tutorial Files
Hands-On Intro 2:
The superconducting module of EPW
| videoHands-On Session 2:
Calculations of superconducting Tc
| video | –>Tutorial Files
Theory Lecture:
The special displacement method
| videoHands-On Session: Temperature-dependent band structures and optical spectra | video | –>
Tutorial Sheet and Files