Summer School 2022
2022 School on Electron-Phonon Physics from First Principles
13-19 June 2022, Austin, TX
More information can be found here.
Lecture 1:
Elementary intro to electron-phonon couplings
| videoLecture 2:
Density functional perturbation theory
| videoLecture 3:
Maximally localized Wannier functions: theory, and some applications
| videoHands-On tutorial:
Intro Slides
|Quantum Espresso
| –>Tutorial Files
Lecture 1:
The Wannier functions ecosystem: fundamentals and recent developments
| videoLecture 2:
Many-body theory of electron-phonon interactions
| videoHands-On tutorial 1:
Intro Slides
|Interpolation of band structures
| –>Tutorial Files
Hands-On tutorial 2:
Supplemental Slides
|Interpolation of electron-phonon matrix elements
DEI Workshop:
Social identity groups
|Microaggressions in STEM
Lecture 1:
Carrier transport
| videoLecture 2:
| videoLecture 3:
Phonon-assisted optical absorption
| videoHands-On tutorial 1:
Intro Slides
|Calculations of mobility
| –>Tutorial Files
Hands-On tutorial 2:
Intro Slides
Calculations of superconducting Tc
| –>Tutorial Files
Lecture 1:
Theory of polarons
| videoLecture 2:
High Performance Computing at TACC and beyond
| videoHands-On tutorial 1:
Phonon-assisted absorption
| –>Tutorial Files
Hands-On tutorial 2:
Intro slides
| –>Tutorial Files
Lecture 1:
Special displacement method
| videoLecture 2:
GW/BSE theory
| videoLecture 3:
| videoHand-On tutorial 1:
Intro Slides
|Special displacement method
| –>Tutorial Files
Hand-On tutorial 2:
Intro Slides
| |BerkeleyGW
| –>Tutorial Files